Third-Party Lawsuits

Nearly every South Carolina business with four or more employees is required by law to carry workers’ comp insurance, but there are some exceptions. If you’re hurt on the job, and your employer carries workers’ comp, you must file a claim to get benefits covering your medical bills and lost wages. You may not file a personal injury suit against your company unless it carries no workers’ comp coverage. Whether your employer does or does not carry workers’ comp, however, you may file a personal injury suit against a third party who is fully or partially responsible for your accident or illness.

Third-party claims are fairly common in food service because delivery truck drivers, vendors, sales representatives, and patrons visit restaurants frequently. If a beer truck driver, for example, drops a case of full beer bottles on your foot and breaks your toe, you probably have a claim against the driver and perhaps the driver’s employer. An experienced workers' comp lawyer can help you with the complex process of filing a third-party claim against an outside defendant and a workers’ comp claim against your employer at the same time.

Have You Been Injured On The Job?

If you've been hurt at your job you can speak with a workers' compensation lawyer. Please contact us online or call our Charleston, South Carolina office directly at 843.488.2359 to schedule your consultation. We are also able to meet clients at our ConwayMyrtle Beach, Murrells Inlet, Mt. PleasantNorth Myrtle Beach or North Charleston office locations.

Dirk J. Derrick
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South Carolina Lawyer Dirk Derrick helps victims recover from car accidents, personal injury & wrongful death.