Common T-Bone Crash Injuries

The initial impact of a vehicle crashing into your door or even penetrating the interior of your car, combined with the resulting impact(s) of your body hitting hard surfaces, sharp corners, or objects in the car, can result in catastrophic injuries:

Organ damage.

Despite the safety benefits of seatbelts, they can cause internal damage to intestines, bowels, and veins in a T-bone accident. 

Dissection of aorta.

A T-bone crash can tear the large blood vessel that comes from your heart, causing the middle and inner layers of the aorta to separate, which can be fatal.

Concussion/traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Impact to your skull can result in physical, sensory, or cognitive malfunction. Some TBI victims are left in a coma and require long-term or lifelong care. 

Spinal cord injury.

Damage to discs, ligaments, nerves, and/or vertebrae can cause chronic discomfort, reduced mobility, and paralysis.


The side impact of a T-bone crash can snap the neck from side to side like a whip, causing painful soft tissue and nerve damage that severely limits your range of motion.

Broken/fractured/crushed bones.

Bone injuries heal very slowly and are inconvenient, at best, in terms of daily/work activities. If broken bones are not properly set, they can heal incorrectly and result in chronic pain and/or disability.


Cuts from glass or sharp objects inside the car can result in loss of blood and permanent scars.


Limbs are sometimes so badly injured in a T-bone crash that they cannot be saved.


T-bone accidents are more likely to be fatal than other types of crashes are.

Protecting Your Claim

If you’re physically able to do so, you can take a number of steps after a T-bone crash to protect and strengthen your claim for damages: 

  • Stay at the scene and move to safety but don’t move your car unless it’s in a position to cause more accidents.
  • Call 911 to report your wreck.
  • Take photographs of all cars involved in/affected by the wreck, as well as the accident scene.
  • Exchange information with the other driver(s) but do not discuss the accident or get angry.
  • Get contact information from any witnesses to the crash.
  • Note the position of any nearby video cameras.
  • When law enforcement arrives, answer their questions honestly but give only the required information.
  • Don’t admit any fault to anyone.
  • Seek medical attention immediately.
  • Contact your insurance company.
  • Consult a car accident lawyer.

How Comparative Negligence Affects Your Case

A substantial number of T-bone crashes occur when one car turning left fails to yield and strikes another that is going straight through an intersection. In such a case, the vehicle turning left is generally found to be at fault for the wreck. There can, however, be exceptions to this rule:

The car turning left:

  • Has a green arrow
  • Is forced in mid-turn by another car to swerve, stop, or brake suddenly

The car going straight:

  • Runs a red light or stop sign
  • Is speeding
  • Violates the law in any other way

Because South Carolina observes a comparative negligence standard in personal injury cases, you might be found partially responsible for your own wreck in one of the circumstances described above. Such a finding could reduce or completely eliminate your compensation. Having an attorney in your corner to help prove the at-fault driver is primarily responsible for your damages may be helpful in this situation. Your lawyer will help you obtain a fair settlement by:

  • Calling in expert witnesses/an accident reconstructionist if necessary
  • Organizing/presenting your medical evidence
  • Obtaining video footage from nearby cameras
  • Interviewing witnesses
  • Negotiating for a fair settlement
  • Observing the statute of limitations
  • Fighting for you in court if necessary
Dirk J. Derrick
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South Carolina Lawyer Dirk Derrick helps victims recover from car accidents, personal injury & wrongful death.