Even though you have paid your premiums and have a legitimate claim after a Myrtle Beach accident, your insurance company will try a variety of tactics to deny your claim. Even if they do approve your claim, they may not offer what you deserve.
Tips for Increasing the Value of Your Myrtle Beach Accident Claim
The fewer reasons your insurance company has to reject or reduce the value of the claim, the more likely you are to get a fair settlement offer. You can make sure you are submitting a strong claim by taking the following steps immediately after the accident:
- Call the police
- Take pictures of the scene
- Get contact information from others involved in the accident
- Get prompt medical care
- Contact your insurance company right away
These actions will ensure you have the evidence you need to convince the insurance company that you were seriously injured in the accident and that the accident was not your fault. If time has passed since the accident and you were unable to do these things, you may want to call an attorney.