Below are some of the biggest mistakes made by injured victims.
1. Not being evaluated by EMS if you are injured to any extent.
2. Not seeking medical attention at the Emergency Room immediately after the wreck if you are hurt.
3. Not being totally honest with doctors regarding past medical history. Tell them everything!
4. Playing tough and not telling troopers, EMS personnel, and doctors each and every location of your pain.
5. Talking with your doctor about legal stuff. Instead, focus only on the medical part.
6. Not keeping all medical appointments.
7. Only talking about the worst symptoms and keeping quiet regarding other symptoms.
8. Not telling doctors about inability or limitation in working, and not getting a work release if needed.
9. Not doing exactly what the doctor says to do.
10. Stopping medical treatment without your doctor's consent.
11. Not treating emotional injuries if they arise after the accident. If you experience symptoms of depression and anxiety that you believe are being caused by your pain and disability, it is important for you to tell your doctor.
12. Not consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney about your case if you are injured. You should be totally honest with your attorney concerning the accident, your injuries, and any prior medical problems you had before the wreck.
13. Thinking insurance adjusters are looking out for your family's best interest.
After a car accident, you may not think about how your actions can affect your case. It is very important to be honest with your doctors, and your attorney, as well as getting treated for your injuries in a timely manner.