According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), children are 70 times more likely to get to school safely by riding a school bus than by riding in another type of vehicle on the road. That is an astounding amount!
The NHTSA also states that while four to six school age children die in school bus accidents each year, that is less than one percent of all traffic deaths across the United States.
Because school buses are the most regulated vehicle on the highway, they maintain safety standards that are designed to keep children as safe as possible while traveling to and from school. They are considered safer than other passenger vehicles because they are more effective in preventing crashes and injuries.
Two major reasons that school bus accidents happen less frequently than other crashes is because the bus is designed for high visibility. Buses have flashing lights, stop sign arms that extend outward for other drivers to see, and cross-view mirrors for the driver to have extra vision. Also, laws protect school buses. It is illegal for drivers to pass a school bus when it is stopped and letting children on or off the bus regardless which direction the car is traveling.
School is right around the corner and it is our job to drive defensively, with limited distractions, and to keep school children safe on the roads. Be aware of the flashing lights on school buses and children standing at their stops. And as always, obey the laws. Limit your distractions. Drive defensively.