When confronted by aggressive drivers, you should make every attempt to get out of their way. Put your seat back and do not challenge them by speeding up or attempting to hold-your-own in your travel lane. Wear your seat belt because it will hold you in your seat and behind the wheel in case you need to make an abrupt driving maneuver and it will protect you in the event of a crash. Avoid eye contact and ignore gestures and refuse to return them.
Report aggressive drivers to the proper authorities by providing a vehicle description, license number, location, and if possible, direction of travel. If an aggressive driver is involved in a crash farther down the road, stop a safe distance from the crash scene, wait for the police to arrive and report the driving behavior that you witnessed.
How to Deal with Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive drivers are high risk drivers who climb into the the anonymity of an automoble and take out their frustrations on anybody at any time.
For them, frustration levels are high, and level of concern for other motorists is low. They run stop signs and red lights, speed, tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, pass on the right, make improper and unsafe lane changes, make hand and facial gestures, honk and flash their lights.They drive at speeds far in excess of the norm which causes them to: follow too closely, change lanes frequently and abruptly without notice, pass on the shoulder or unpaved portions of the highway, and possibly threaten other motorists in front of them.
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With seven office locations in Myrtle Beach, North Myrtle Beach, Conway, Mt. Pleasant, North Charleston, Murrells Inlet and Charleston and over 30 years of experience with personal injury cases. Derrick Law Firm Injury Lawyers has the knowledge, skill and experience to protect you and your family.
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