Second you need to know what coverages you need and how much coverage do you need.

We recommend that people have $1,000,000 in liability coverage, $1,000,000 in Uninsured Motorist Coverage, and $1,000,000 in Under-Insured Motorist coverage.  You may be thinking this is excessive.  It is not if you and your family are involved in a serious accident that requires substantial medical treatment and you or your wife become disabled for a substantial amount of time. 

Many have asked, "I can barely afford $25,000 of coverage, how in the world can I afford $1,000,000?  Would that not be 40 times the amount that I am paying now?"

The answer is NO!  In fact, because the large amounts of Uninsured Motorist coverage and Underinsured Motorist coverage are so cheap, the state of South Carolina had to pass a law to make insurance companies offer the coverage to you and explain in writing how cheap it is.  For years, the insurance companies would not make the offer in a clear manner to let you know how much coverage you can buy for just pennies a day.  For years, the appellate courts of South Carolina kept saying that the information being given to consumers by the insurance companies was insufficient.

Dirk J. Derrick
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South Carolina Lawyer Dirk Derrick helps victims recover from car accidents, personal injury & wrongful death.