The South Carolina workers’ compensation system provides medical care to employees who are injured on the job. Under state law, workers have a right to “all necessary medical treatment that is likely to lessen [a worker’s] disability.” It is required, however, for injured workers to follow some guidelines when seeking that care.
Obtaining Treatment After a Work Injury
At times, a worker is injured so severely that emergency medical care is needed. In these cases of severe or life-threatening injuries, workers’ compensation will cover treatment in an emergency room, which could include testing, medication, hospitalization, and even surgery.
However, for less serious injuries, injured workers are required to seek care with a doctor selected by their employer or its insurance company. When a worker notifies his employer of an injury, the employer should provide information directing the employee to the appropriate care provider. Treatment by another provider won’t be covered by workers’ compensation benefits, and the injured employee has to pay those costs out of pocket.