There are new technologies that are making driving safer as well as lowering car insurance rates. Many auto insurers are able to offer specific discounts for things like electronic stability control and daytime running lights.
Based on research, below is a list of 5 driving innovations that have helped save lives and improved driving awareness, and 1 innovation that hasn't helped save lives.
1.) Red-Light Cameras
While this is a hotly debated topic in some areas, a study released by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) in February found that in 14 large cities that installed red-light cameras, fatal crashes caused by drivers running red lights declined by 24% over a four year period between 2004-2008. Because the cameras are placed at intersections with the highest crash rates, fatalities and even just accidents due to motorists running red lights declined. It becomes a deterrant for those who break the law.
2.) Electronic Stability Control
Snow, ice, and rain are key factors that cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles. Electronic Stability Control is designed to help maintain control of the car on slippery roads or during high-speed maneuvers. This technology that comes standard on most new vehicles, has reduced the risk of fatal single-car accidents by half. Cars that have the system have a 70% reduced risk of losing control when you run off the road, hit a tree, or are involved in a accident that may cause a roll-over.
3.) Daytime Running Lights
According to the IIHS, cars that have daytime running lights have 5% fewer accidents that cars that don't. They said that daytime running lights help improve your visibility which allows the driver to see both other drivers and pedestrians more easily. It is a low-cost way to help reduce the number of crashes.
4.) Inflatable Seat Belts
Ford Motor Company has just released inflatable seat belts that combine the traditional features of a seat belt with the features of an airbag. The new seat belts spread the crash forces over a larger area of the person's body, which helps reduce pressure on the person's chest and also helps to control head and neck motion. The IIHS does not have any safety data yet because the new seat belts were just released in Ford's 2011 Explorer.
5.) Head Restraints
Redesigned head and seat restraints are higher and fit closer to the back of the motorists' heads than earlier versions. This reduces the risk of whiplash in the event that the vehicle is hit from behind. The restraints keep the head and torso moving together and it has resulted in a 15% decline in injury rates.